May 2017 - Our Daily Green

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How to get more milk in your life (guest post)

(today's post is brought to you by a sponsor)

Dairy, it’s one of the main groups in the food pyramid. It provides us with calcium (for strong bones), protein (for muscle development) and good fats to keep us active during the day.

But not everyone includes dairy products as a staple ingredient in their diets. It’s no longer fashionable to drink milk as much as it used to be. Isn’t it strange that when people didn’t have machines for milk cooling, they drank more of it?

Milk can do wonders for your health. If you’re looking for ways to bring more dairy into your life, these tips will help you.

·     Make milk a habit

Fresh delicious milkBring milk into your everyday life by enjoying a glass with every meal. This way you’ll learn to include dairy in your routine.

If you enjoy coffee or tea, consider adding milk to it. This can be a sneaky way of getting a good dose of calcium without having to really think about it.

·     Use intolerance to your advantage

If you’re lactose-intolerant it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t get the nutrients that other milk drinkers can. You just have to think about it more carefully. 

Switching dairy milk to soy can be a great way of getting your body a good amount of calcium daily. Don’t think that just because you can’t have dairy milk that all milk is a no-go.

·     Yogurt

Yogurt is a healthy alternative to a dessert option. Because it’s made from milk it contains a ton of calcium and all the other good things that you find in dairy products.

It’s better for you than ice cream because it usually doesn’t contain any added sugar or flavors. Adding yogurt to your diet can not only benefit that tastes of your food, but provide you with additional nutrients daily!

If you avoid milk because of the calories, there are many alternatives out there for you. Lighter milk options provide the same great taste that full-fat milk does without the heaviness. Searching for ways to find healthy dairy products has never been easier.

Add more milk to your life and you’ll instantly feel better. Studies have shown that milk provides the best source of nutrients to support healthy muscle, bone and tooth growth. Think about it: the ingredients in milk are enough to support the life and development of a baby calf!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Grab Green Review and Discount Code

Kitchen and Laundry products earth friendly Last month the planet celebrated Earth Day, but at Our Daily Green, we think that everyday is worth celebrating our earth. Earth friendly living is a lifestyle, not an occasional choice.

One of the most challenging parts of making earth friendly choices is in the category of cleaning products.

There are countless DIY articles how to make your own soaps and to clean everything using nothing but a piece of earth friendly fabric and vinegar (I jest a little, but not completely). There are a few problems inherent to many green cleaning solutions:
  • Time/convenience: for example who in the world has time to make their own laundry soap? I commend the homesteading, off-the-grid lifestyle choices. They certainly are inspiring. To borrow from a popular meme: "Ain't nobody got time for that."
  • Effectiveness: I had used a popular earth friendly detergent for years. And my whites eventually became grey. The only way I could keep them white was to add bleach every few loads. Which seemed to offset my intention of going green.
  • Scent: Let's face it. Vinegar and rubbing alcohol do a lovely job of cleaning, but then your house smells like pickles or a hospital. Yeah, it's clean. And smells weird.
As our college-aged children are returning home for break, the laundry and dishes multiplied exponentially. This made us especially grateful for the gift pack we received from our friends at #GrabGreen. They sent out a sample pack of their fantastic products for us to test just in time to introduce Mount Laundry From Two Dorms to Time For Home Cooking.  Our washing machine and dishwasher have been in marathon use!

Spring Cleaning
Told you there was a ton of stuff to clean!
Imagine cleaning your house with fresh scents like red pear with magnolia, grapefruit with cranberry, or thyme with fig leaf. Imagine those beautifully scented products also worked wonders. Imagine that suddenly the drudgery of cleaning was somehow offset by knowing that the product you were using was non-toxic, naturally derived, with minimal packaging. The great thing is you don't have to imagine it. Our friends at Grab Green want you to try their product and have fantastic discount code for Our Daily Green readers.

We appreciate companies that are committed to providing effective products that care about the planet. From their website:

We've invested years into scientific development to discover the right balance of plant and mineral-based ingredients to ensure safe and effective cleaning power! Our concentrated, non-toxic products are packed with power and are formulated to go beyond existing eco-friendly products and compete with conventional products.

Grab Green offers delivery options as well as a subscription service. Their products are also available in selected retail outlets. We are proud to give them our highest recommendation. The products we received were complimentary, and all opinions are our own.