Guest submissions and sponsored posts - Our Daily Green

Guest submissions and sponsored posts

We encourage and invite you to write a post for Our Daily Green. We love to network with like-minded writers and friends.

We have a few guest policies.
  1. Your post must be relevant to our site. We want to read something about green living, saving money, and environmentally friendly subjects. 
  2. It must be unique. Please bring us something that isn't already on the site but remains relevant. Or a new twist on an old topic. Give us something that we haven't already done. 
  3. We are happy to offer complimentary posting space to other green bloggers or like-minded writers. 
  4. If you are linking to a business and want to us to use your guest post, please contact us for rates.  We will post your article and activate the hyperlinks upon receipt of payment. 
  5. Please submit a post between 300-500 words and allow for editorial decisions to be made.
  6. If you cannot supply a properly credited image, we will choose one to use with your post.

For additional questions or submissions, please email me at

Thank you again for your interest. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Juice-Passing Links: 331
Page Authority: 48.60
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