Hands Across the Sand Green - Our Daily Green

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hands Across the Sand Green

from the site:
Hands Across the Sand is a movement made of people of all walks of life and crosses political affiliations. This movement is not about politics; it is about protection of our coastal economies, oceans, marine wildlife, and fishing industry. Let us share our knowledge, energies and passion for protecting all of the above from the devastating effects of oil drilling.

Go to your beach on June 26 at 11 AM in your time zone.

To find a participating beach: Click here.

Form lines in the sand and at 12:00, join hands.

The image is powerful, the message is simple. NO to Offshore Oil Drilling, YES to Clean Energy.
Hands Across the Sand A worldwide gathering opposed to near- and off-shore oil drilling in our waters

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