For as frequently as Our Daily Green talks about our lifelong healthy eating habits, growing up on an organic farm, making good choices, we would be remiss if we didn't say that we never truly understood "WHY", but rather that we just "DID". In an era of informed decision making, challenging the status quo is possibly the strongest weapon a consumer has.
After becoming a parent, despite a commitment to healthy, eco friendly living, we must confess something. It. Is. Exhausting. Parenting, that is, not necessarily the eco friendly choices. But in absolute exhaustion, admittedly, our kids ate Crap Mac'n'Cheeze. FrootRollUps, and JooseBags. It was the stuff they had at friend's houses, preschool, and it was familiar. Even though it went against the organic grain, we justified it mentally by simply "choosing my battles", with a nonchalant, yeah, but... to explain less than stellar food choices.

If we ever were lackadaisical about what we ate or what we fed our children, we have not been since then. We receive daily emails about food recalls by the USDA and most recalls are a result of a single diseased animal contaminating an entire lot of food. Factory farming is a reason so much food is recalled. When we write about shopping local and growing your own food, we are also talking a life or death matter.
PBS is airing Food, Inc. on August 9 and 10 as well as offering a free discussion guide. Local airings may vary, but check your directory for exact dates and times.
Watch the full episode. See more POV.