The timing couldn't have been better. I recently underwent a series of allergy testing for what appeared to be serious eczema on my hands. My hands were dry, cracked, peeling, bleeding and swollen. I was in constant pain and no amount of doctor recommended "Intensive Repair, Very Dry Skin Lotion" was helping. I was slathering it on day and night and my hands just weren't improving, and in fact, were getting worse.
After weeks of misery, we opted to do the allergy patch test. When the results returned, we discovered that I have a severe allergy to a common ingredient used as a preservative in nearly every commercially produced body care and cleaning product on the market. Including the lotion. What is that ingredient you ask? CL+ME- isothiasolinone or Methylisothiazolinone, or MI, or the commercial name Kathon®.
I spent over an hour at the local drug store reading one label after another, feeling more and more disappointed. If you scan almost every bottle of facial cleanser, shampoo, conditioner, dish detergent, laundry detergent, you'll find this ingredient near the bottom of the list. It's become a very common preservative in many products that contain water, as concern over parabens as a preservative have increased. Companies reformulated their products with a new preservative and it turns out, it causes contact dermatitis in quite a few folks. So much, that it was named Allergen of the Year in 2013 by the Dermatitis Society.
This is why I am so delighted with the Block Island Facial Cleanser! Guess what they use as preservative? Trifolium pratense, or the biological name for Red Clover Extract. Created in nature, not a lab, this preservative will keep bacteria and mold from forming in the product without causing chemical contact dermatitis. I started to use this cleanser and besides not being allergic to it, I actually love it. It foams up gently, with coco polyglucose (a coconut oil based surficant) as the foaming agent which carries away the dirt and oil. Yet the cleanser doesn't leave your skin dry or tight, just clean and glowing. And though I'm not really given to "selfies" I thought I would show you how nicely it cleans my face, firsthand & un-retouched. Talk about truth in advertising, huh?
You can order any of the Block Island products and Our Daily Green readers will receive an exclusive 20% discount. Simply use the code kimu when you check out to receive your discount good through October 21, 2015.
Our Daily Green is happy to work with Block Island.
We received the facial cleanser free of charge, but our opinions are completely our own.
We received the facial cleanser free of charge, but our opinions are completely our own.