Changing behavior is no easy mission. Change is difficult to adapt to if simply for the fact that altering patterns requires repeated effort. It takes an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become a habit.
This week, The Wall Street Journal published The Secret to Turning Consumers Green with this revealing conclusion:
It isn't financial incentives. It isn't more information. It's guilt.
Traditional conservation campaigns have been "based on the premise that if we simply provide people with information, they will make changes in their lives," Mr. McKenzie-Mohr says. "We know pretty conclusively that's not true."
The most powerful aspect of social mobilization, researchers say, is that it tends to work on a subconscious level. Americans routinely tell pollsters that they would conserve energy to save the environment or to save money. Ask them if they'd conserve because their neighbors are doing it, and they scoff.
They have it backward. "We can move people to environmentally friendly behavior," says Mr. Cialdini, the psychologist, "by simply telling them what those around them are doing."
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The five cent bag tax in Washington DC has resulted in significantly less use of bags but researchers believe it is peer pressure, not cost, that has motivated the consumer. Customers must ask for the bags instead of receiving them automatically.
The flip side supports that a small financial incentive (or punishment) is not an adequate motivator. When stores rebate five cents off for each bag brought in, the motivator is not significant enough to change behavior. Festinger's classic study of cognitive dissonance supports the disconnect between the behavior and the reward. The more likely motivator is social pressure.
Fashion, television programming, popular music, even fads like the Silly Bands all have their roots in peer pressure. It's only logical that adopting green behavior would follow suit.
Have you ever changed your behavior based on the actions of your peers or do you consider yourself in a position to shape changes in behavior by setting the example?

I don't believe I've ever done anything because of peer pressure (probably more the opposite). And I hope I set a good example. It sounds simplistic, but ... what ever happened to simply doing something because it's the right thing to do. I guess I care less about motives and more about results ... if peer pressure or financial incentives result in people living a greener live, I'm okay with it. But in the end, I personally believe that living green because it's the right thing to do will be the factor which results in an enduring life style.
I suspect that you & I (and the majority of readers of our respective blogs) do have a different sort of motivation but I think it's useful to know what motivates folks who do not normally make green choices, so we can better encourage a green way of life.
I tend to surround myself with folks of a like mind, and I definitely think we influence each other in making decisions. But I wouldn't call it "peer pressure," as our relationships are built on cooperation and support, as opposed to competition. We're just trying to help each other live the best life possible as one organism existing within a larger organism.
I'm a little leery of negative world views, and I view "peer pressure" as a decidedly negative thing. I find it difficult to believe that the bulk of humanity exists in an insecure state where the opinions and pressure of others would cause behaviorial change. Does this make me an optimist?! OMG! :P
CF, we've already learned this week that the world will NOT end in 2012, but you an optimist? Maybe these really are end times? LOL...
As I responded to Small, I don't think this idea pertains to those who've already adopted green living, BUT we also are still the minority. Maybe we need another way to explain sheeple mentality than peer pressure.
Oh my goodness, now it appears I am the pessimist! ;)
I do what I do ...BECAUSE "I believe! " This from the ORIGINAL SKINFLINT...remember who recycled aluminun foil first ! :o)
Took me 21 years before I realized it originally came on a roll!
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