Our Daily Green is a member of the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood. We became supporters of this non-profit when they had a campaign against a Scholastic book that had been sponsored by the American Coal Foundation. They also have led campaigns against unhealthy food advertising on children's programming as well as marketing to infants. Their mission is:
to reclaim childhood from corporate marketers. A marketing-driven media culture sells children on behaviors and values driven by the need to promote profit rather than the public good. The commercialization of childhood is the link between many of the most serious problems facing children, and society, today. Childhood obesity, eating disorders, youth violence, sexualization, family stress, underage alcohol and tobacco use, rampant materialism, and the erosion of children’s creative play, are all exacerbated by advertising and marketing. When children adopt the values that dominate commercial culture—dependence on the things we buy for life satisfaction, a “me first” attitude, conformity, impulse buying, and unthinking brand loyalty—the health of democracy and sustainability of our planet are threatened. CCFC works for the rights of children to grow up—and the freedom for parents to raise them—without being undermined by commercial interests.

The new legislative season brings new attempts to turn school buses into traveling billboards. Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, New York, Rhode Island and Washington are all considering bills that would allow ads on school buses for everything from junk food to violent and sexualized media. We are enormously sympathetic to the financial plight of schools, but commercializing schools and school buses is not a good solution. That’s why we’ve created our School Bus Ad Action Center,where you can find out the status of legislation in your state and what you can do to keep buses commercial-free. If you live in one of the states listed above, please visit the Action Center to tell your legislators to vote “No” on school bus ads.
There was some good news this week: Indiana legislators removed a provision allowing school bus ads from a school funding bill and a Rhode Island bill is being held for further study after a Wednesday hearing. Unfortunately, Florida took a step towards commercializing its buses when the Education Committee approved a bill to allow school bus ads. House Bill 19 now moves to the house floor for a vote. (If you live in Florida,click here to take action.)