Going green with your home improvement projects - Our Daily Green

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Going green with your home improvement projects

Advancements in technology have provided us with conveniences many of us would not know what to do without. While these innovations have provided us with the tools to become more efficient and enjoy time with our loved ones, they are negatively impacting our environment. If you are embarking on home improvement projects, there are products available to help you stay green and reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Proper Sealing and Insulation
There is a great way to both increase your home's environmental compatibility while also lower your monthly utility bills. Around your walls, windows, doors, and floors are often gaps, and these provide perfect outlets for the temperature-controlled air in your home to escape. This causes your heater and air conditioner to work overtime. With a minimal investment, you can seal these openings as well as better insulate your home.

Another way to reduce this problem is to install energy-efficient windows and doors throughout your home. While the upfront cost for this measure is higher, you will quickly get those dollars back and more as you watch your energy bills go down for years to come. For many more tips on how to reduce your energy consumption, visit this page.
  • Lighting
Home improvement projects are meant to increase both the aesthetic and financial value of your home, and proper lighting can do both. The right lighting can transform a room, and, if you purchase energy-efficient products during this project, you can also do your part in helping the environment. For access to products that can help you achieve this goal, visit the Energy Star website.
  • Hot Water System
You use hot water every day. From washing your dishes to taking a shower at the end of a long day, it is a commodity that you can both enjoy and optimize to better the environment for future generations. Making the investment in systems such as the Dux Airoheat Heat Pump allows you to use heat from the air to increase the temperature of your water, allowing you to reduce the stress on the environment by giving your water heater a much needed break.
  • Roofing
image courtesy of wikimedia commons
Around every ten years, it becomes necessary to replace your shingles to ensure your home is protected from the outside elements. However, the resources used to produce quality shingles can put a serious strain on the environment. To do your part to reduce this is to purchase shingles produced using recycled material. Innovations are being made to make these shingles aesthetically pleasing without sacrificing on quality. Products matching these specifications can be found at GreenHome Improvement.
  • Planning for Expansion
Whether you family is growing or your income has increased, you may be considering making additions to your home. If so, you should seriously consider the square footage you actually need to live comfortably. Extra rooms require more strain on your heater and air conditioner, and the materials used to make these additions put even more strain on the environment. Your home is likely your largest investment, and these changes can add to its value. However, don't go overboard when making additions. More great advice on renovations can be found here.
  • Doing Your Part
Global warming is everyone's problem. If you are planning a home improvement project, following these tips can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

A special thank you to today's blog sponsor for sharing so many environmentally responsible home improvement tips!

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