A few weeks ago, Our Daily Green invited our readers to vote for a group we belong to, Green Affiliates, in a contest sponsored by YouTopia. Thank you for your support. Green Affiliates finished with a total of 220 votes. The winning entry was One World Futbol, with an astounding 1550 votes. We would like to share a little more about their mission.
One World Futbol |
We titled this post as a tribute to our many of our friends. While Our Daily Green does have a diverse audience, due to the demographics of both the author and my peer group, we reach a great number of "mom bloggers". Of that portion of bloggers, it's a safe assumption that many of us have children who have played or do currently play soccer. So here's to the "soccer moms" and how we can be green.
Soccer is an interntionally acclaimed sport, popular among children all over the world and played by millions. One evening, One World Futbol's founder Tim Jahnigen watched a news story about refugees in Darfur. As he watched the children playing soccer with a makeshift ball of rubbish tied up with twine, he was inspired to make a difference. Hence the creation of the One World Futbol, an indestructible ball that never needs inflating, does not puncture, and does not require hand stitching. While this ball is not intended to replace regulation soccer balls for matches, it is a perfect ball for practice and recreational use.
Recording artist Sting has lent his support to the project start, which in turn inspired the company name, after Sting's song One World.
Our Daily Green congratulates One World Futbol and invites our readers to support this fine organization. For every One World Futbol purchased, One World gives one to an organization in need through their special
Buy One, Give One promotion.
One World Futbol: The Ball
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