Health Care Green - Our Daily Green

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Health Care Green

As our nation tries desperately to find a solution to our Health Care Crisis, I find myself increasingly frustrated that very little discussion is devoted to true HEALTH, but rather SICK care.

One of the easiest ways to not have to worry about health care is to stay healthy. Staying healthy is as simple as good eating and frequent exercise. So many of our illnesses can be prevented.

This is today's simple tip. Live healthy, so you don't get sick. Eat food that remembers where it comes from. Avoid processed, chemically altered, and fake food. Skip fruit flavored snacks and eat fruit. Drink water, not soda. Walk or ride a bike somewhere instead of drive.

For additional reading on how to take charge of our health, I would like to share this site:

Have a healthy day!

1 comment :

John Ettorre said...

Good point, Kim. Wellness seems to sometimes get drowned out amid all the discussion over making sick people well. On the other hand, wellness gets WAY more attention than it did even, say, a decade ago. So at least we're moving in the right direction. And here in the region, the Cleveland Clinic is about to launch a giant wellness initiative in September, with a website and all kinds of other material that will educate the public. So there are some optimistic signs.